Terms and Conditions

The Agreement

This document constitutes an agreement between you (the Entrant) and URL (the Organiser). Entry into any of the URL races (the Events) is strictly conditional upon the entrant agreeing to all of the terms and conditions contained within this document (the Agreement). It is all entrants responsibility to have read and accepted this agreement before entering/registering for one or more of URL events. All entrants must be aged 18 and over.

Registration Process

Entrants are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their personal records within the event database. Should any information change between registration and participation, it is the individual entrants’ responsibility to ensure that they contact URL to update their records accordingly.

Entry Fees must be paid in full before entry to the event will be confirmed.

All event fees are NON REFUNDABLE under any circumstance.

By entering one of URL events, all entrants have acknowledged that they have read and agree to the event terms and conditions prior to their entry in to the event being confirmed. By doing so, the entrant is unreservedly accepting all of the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Use of Personal Data

The organiser or their agents will maintain a registration database for all entrants and their chosen emergency contact. All information will be collected, stored and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.

The organiser may use the entrants contact information to keep them informed of the event or to notify them of other events organised or promoted by URL.

Entrants give permission for the organisers, their agents, or any other associated organisations to use any photographs, video tapes, motion pictures, website images, recordings, or any other record of the event. Such articles may be used or included on websites, social media publications, advertising, promotional information, or other publicly accessible sources.

Personal Ability to Participate

It is the entrants’ responsibility to ensure they train appropriately and have the requisite level of fitness to be able to complete safely.

Entrants must ensure their personal health is suitable for participating in the event. If in any doubt the entrant should consult their doctor.

It is the responsibility of the entrant to ensure the organisers are informed at the point of entry of any medical conditions that could be relevant for any first-aid treatment.

If a participant believes that it is unsafe for them to continue in the event, it is their duty to notify an event official as soon as practicable.

Participants must be competent runners & confident in their ability to complete the course safely.

Participation in the Event

The event is a race. Athletes compete within their respective age and gender category. Relay Teams compete against each other as separate categories.

Prizes are awarded to podium finishers in all categories except where a low number of entrants means it is impractical to do so. This is down to the organisers discretion.

All finishers will receive the stated prize, as per each individual race.

Participants must act in accordance with the law and adhere to both the Highway Code and the Country Code, where applicable.

Participants are responsible for competing safely and with due respect for others.

Participants must comply with the instructions of the organisers and other course officials.

The majority of URL event routes are NOT signed, the onus of remaining on course rests with the athlete. Marshall’s are places in appropriate places, according to the individual event and are there for your safety.

Should circumstances dictate, or in the interest of safety, the organisers reserve the right to make such changes to the published event routes as may be deemed necessary at their absolute discretion. In the event of the landowner e.g. the Forestry Commission or National Trust deeming it necessary to close access to the public, we the organisers reserve the right to a) reschedule or if this is not possible b) cancel the event. This will, in all cases be a last resort.

The organiser reserves the right to require a participant to retire from the race where their conduct is considered to be inappropriate. If required to retire the participant must surrender their race number to an event official and take no further part in the event.

Participants have a duty to report to an event official as soon as practicable, anything that they see or hear which they reasonably believe may impact on the safety or welfare of themselves or others, connected to the event or otherwise.

Whilst appropriate risk assessments will be carried out before the event, competitors assume full and complete responsibility for any injury or accident which may occur whilst travelling to or from the event, during the event, or whilst on any premises related to the event.

Racing in public places can be dangerous, all participants in this event must agree to waive, release and forever discharge the event organisers, sponsors, promoters, and each of their agents, representatives, successors and assigns, and all other persons associated with the event, from any liabilities, claims, actions, or damages that they may have against them arising out of or in any way connected with participation in this event. This includes any claims, whether caused by negligence, the action or inaction of any of the above parties, or otherwise.

Cancellation & Refunds

Entry fees for all URL events are NON REFUNDABLE under any circumstance.

Should circumstances dictate, or in the interest of safety, the organisers reserve the right to make such changes to the published event routes as may be deemed necessary at their absolute discretion. In the event of a force majeure, we the organisers reserve the right to a) reschedule or if this is not possible b) cancel the event. This will, in all cases be a last resort.

Entry fees are only valid for the original event, for which they were purchased. Places can be deferred to the next edition of the event (an additional cost of £15 is charged), where the event is more than four weeks away. After this point, this option is no longer available. In special circumstances, the organisers may be able to transfer names of individuals to another events. This is at the organisers discretion. Transfers can be requested by email up to 4 weeks before the event in question. No runner is permitted to enter or participate using another persons details.

If, for any reason what so ever, an entrant finds themselves unable to participate, they should notify the organisers as soon as reasonably practicable of their intention to withdraw from the event. This will allow the vacancy to be reallocated to anyone who may be on the event’s reserve list.

Entrants must exercise their own experience and judgement regarding their ability, equipment and preparedness to cope with the prevailing elements before they commence.

General Provisions

This agreement constitutes the whole agreement between the parties and any prior agreement, oral or written, are excluded.

Any failure by any party to enforce or to exercise at any time any term or any right under this agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of that term or right and shall not affect that party’s right to later enforce or to exercise it.

If any term of this agreement is found to be illegal or unenforceable it shall be deemed to be omitted from the agreement and shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the agreement.

Nothing in this agreement confers any right on third parties to enforce the provisions of this agreement under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.